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发表于 2016-10-27 23:44:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:加拿大


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 托福听力的场景对话按人物来分可以分为三类:一、学生和老师的对话 二、学生和校园工作人员的对话 三、学生和学生的对话。从内容上来讲,学生和老师一般会讨论一些比较偏学术的内容,学生和学生讨论的话题则比较杂,生活、学术等各种内容都可能涉及到,而学生和校园工作人员的对话则偏向生活化。本文将围绕对话场景中出现频率极高的学生与校园工作人员之一图书馆管理员的对话展开论述,帮助大家了解托福听力中图书馆场景的常见考点,同时帮助即将出国留学的同学们了解国外图书馆的服务与国内的差异。




  Librarian: Can I help you?

  Student: Yeah, I need to find a review. It's for my English class. We have to find reviews of the play we are reading. But they have to be from when the play was first performed, so I need to know when that was and I suppose I should start with newspaper reviews and…

  分析:这是TPO 4 Conversation 1的开头部分,学生直接表明前来图书馆的目的。在笔记过程中开头处开门见山表明主旨内容以及直接目的的语句是一定不能放过的,故其中的review, newspaper review等书刊种类词汇就是必记词汇,同时因果原则告诉我们so后的内容是很有可能出考题的,when…start with也应该出现在我们的笔记中。再看这个conversation之后需完成的第一道题:

  Q1. Why does the man need the woman's assistance? Click on 2 answers.

  m He does not know the publication date of some reviews he needs.

  m He does not know the location of the library's video collection of plays.

  m He does not know how to find out where the play is currently being performed.

  m He does not know how to determine which newspaper he should look at.

  根据笔记可选出答案:第一个选项。由此可见,在托福听力的图书馆场景中,所借资料种类的词汇是必须掌握的内容之一。新东方托福考试官网提醒大家需要掌握的常见资料种类还包括:magazine, periodical期刊,current issue现刊,back issue过刊,reference参考书目,textbook教科书,encyclopedia百科全书,fiction小说等。


  TPO 9 Conversation 2

  S: Excuse me. Can you help me with something?

  L: I'll do my best. What do you need?

  S: Well, I've received a letter in my mailbox saying that I'm supposed to return a book that I checked out back in January, it's call "Modern Social Problems". But because I'm writing my senior thesis, I'm supposed to be able to keep the book all semester.


  Q1. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

  m A book that the man is trying to find in the library

  m A book that the man already returned to the library

  m A book that the man is using to write his senior thesis

  m A book that the man lent to his sociology professor



  图书馆场景里书刊状态主要包括以下这几种:available可借的,out on loan=out of circulation已借出,on reserve被预约,closed reserve/not for circulation只读不借,due到期,overdue过期,renewed被续借的,recalled被召回的。这些词汇大家全部都要掌握,比如在TPO 14 Conversation 1中图书管理员与学生的对话:

  Student: Hi, I am looking for this book---the American judicial system. And I can't seem to find it anywhere. I need to read a chapter for my political science class.

  Librarian: Let me check in the computer. Um… doesn't seem to be checked out and it's not on reserve. You've checked the shelves I assume.

  Student: Yeah, I even checked other shelves and tables next to where the book should be.

  Librarian: Well, it's still here in the library. So people must be using it. You know this seems to be a very popular book tonight. We show six copies. None are checked out. And, yet you didn't even find one copy on the shelves. Is it a big class?

  分析:学生询问一本书的位置,图书管理员在排除了各种状态之后才得出结论,可见大家对于各种状态都要掌握。在TPO 9 Conversation 2中学生询问图书管理员为什么他已经得到了extended borrowing privileges的书却被要求归还,管理员回答就是只要有其他人来借同本书,这本书就会被recalled。


  图书馆场景中必然会出现一些常用动词,如borrow, return这类简单的词汇,也会出现check in, check out, renew续借,recall召回,pay the fine付罚金,reserve, book预约或extend borrowing privilege延长借书期,photocopy等词汇,大家都需要牢牢记住。

  如TPO 9 Conversation 2中的对话:

  L: Do you need all of it or is there a certain section or chapter you're working with?

  S: I guess there is one particular chapter I've been using lately for a section of my thesis. Why?

  L: Well, you can photocopy up to one chapter of the book. Why don't you do that for the chapter you're working on right now? And by the time you need the rest of the book, maybe it will have been returned. We can even do the photocopy for you because of the circumstances.

  分析:学生表示只需用到其中一个chapter, 图书管理员随即表示可以帮他photocopy这个chapter。

  Q. What does the woman offer to do for the man?

  m Let the man know when a book he needs is returned to the library

  m Photocopy a chapter of a book for him

  m Ask a professor to return a book the man needs

  m Find a copy of a book for him at another library



  TPO 7 Conversation 2的内容为一个学生前来了解学校图书馆的各部门名称与位置,其中提及的各种名称都是大家在备考过程中必须掌握的,包括collection of rare books, photo copier room, history section, internet section, front desk等等。除此之外,大家也需要掌握以下同类词汇audio-video center视听中心,database数据库,copy room复印室。
发表于 2016-10-27 23:45:00 | 显示全部楼层 IP:–山东–烟台 联通
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